Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year Bitches!

The shit really has to stop. Will someone please give me the number to elderly and infirm abuse services or whatever agency applies? Because if I see these New Years Eve folks pimp out Dick Clark's ass one mo' gin, it's gonna be a misunderstanding. It was all good until he got excited and started talking fast. I will quote my aunt from Plaquemines Parish who would say, "Y'all need ta leave him set where he at."

I did find it funny when that Chuck Wagon Stew eating brawd said that her New Year's Resolution waws to not date ugly guys. WTF? I was sitting there asking, "This heffa is getting dates?!"

I guess I believe more in goals that resolutions. So here are a few personal reminders and goals for 2008:

My children are my greatest assets, loves, adventures and reflections.

To try and live my life according to what I believe is true and right.

Love is perfect; people are not. We will be disappointed by the people we love and will will disappoint those who love us. Shortcomings don't make us any less worthy.

Every person has a story. If I can remember that, I will be more inclined towards understanding rather than harsh judgment.

"Seconds" are not a necessary part of a meal, pie is not a food group and pilates is not of the devil.

Continuing to be unabashedly Breez, Black Mamba, Lady Sol and Melanie seems to suit me just fine, so I think I'll stick with that script.

Happy 2008, people!!!


Another Conflict Theorist said...


Happy 2008, Sis.

So you're going into the New Year accepting the flawed idea that you're too good for seconds, huh? What's wrong with you elitists? Seconds are food, God-damnit!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!!! You're too hilarious........ great post to start off the new year!!! still laughing!!! :-)

BLESSD1 said...

Hey...if you can't tell by the extra chin I'm developing, I LOVES me some "seconds"! LOL!

Breez said...

@ act - seconds are too good for me. they're so good i don't want to let them go, and therein lies the problem.

@ kreative - so glad i could bring ya a little joy for the '08.

@ blessed - oh HELLL to the naw. you are going to return to the state you were BEFORE you married my girl. yall gonna be running around the city looking like the number 10. stop the madness.

Another Conflict Theorist said...

Peace Sis,

Damn. You know I was so mentally exhausted when I first responded to this post that I was thinking "leftovers" when you clearly typed "seconds?"

Breez said...